Meat in the Middle Webinar

Tuesday, November 2  |  11am - 12pm PDT

A conversation on the middle of the meat supply chain and what it takes to make a processing operation financially successful


"Processing is the bottleneck!" How many times have we heard this and wanted to understand this better to be able to support small to mid-sized meat producers and the middle of the supply chain infrastructure? But how many of us really know what it takes to make a meat processing operation financially successful?

Come join Esther Park in on an open conversation with Mike Lorentz, an experienced and successful meat processing plant owner/operator, to hear what conditions make for an economically viable and maybe even investable plant, and what the supply challenges are from his viewpoint.

Be prepared to have some of your ideas and views challenged, and discover unique ways in which we can leverage different types of capital to support the supply chain.

This webinar is geared toward investors and funders in regenerative ag, but is also open to our wider community.

— Speakers: —


Mike Lorentz is the CEO of Lorentz Meats and the managing member of Vermont Packinghouse.  The combined facilities employ over 200 people and ship over 15 million pounds of high attribute niche meats annually.  Mike has been an advocate for farm direct sales and alternative markets since 1997 when he and his brother Rob took over the family meat processing business.

Facilitation by:


Esther Park is the CEO of Cienega Capital, an investment company utilizing an integrated capital approach to systemic change in the areas of soil health, regenerative agriculture, and local food systems. She has 20 years of experience in mission-based financial services ranging from microfinance to risk capital investments.

— Registration —

Registration is now closed. We invite you to sign up for our mailing list below to learn about future opportunities:

— Questions? —

For questions, please contact Megan at [email protected]


— Hosted by —